Friday, October 14, 2016

Apttus CPQ - One Click Configuration

“One Click Configuration” has always been one of the most demanding features in CPQ world. For complex and bigger product configurations, this feature can be a real boon as it not only saves time but also mitigate chances of out-dated configurations.

The August’16 release of Apttus CPQ introduced this long awaited and extremely important feature called “Favourite Configurations” in Apttus terms. This feature enables sales rep to save their commonly used configurations on cart and re-use those in other quotes in a “one click” notion.

Let see some of the salient features of this functionality:

1. User can save one or more products on cart as favourite configurations. These are typically the configurations which are commonly used.

2. Favorite configurations can be saved with private or public scope. With later, it would be available for other sales rep as well, while former will make it scoped within the given price list only.

3. While creating new quotes using saved favourite configurations, sales rep has flexibility to carry the saved manual discounts or not. In other words, favourite configurations can be brought to the cart with or without discounts.

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Sunday, October 2, 2016

7 Features of Apttus CPQ you might not know

7 Features of Apttus CPQ you might not know

Apttus CPQ is undoubtedly one of the front runner CPQ solutions in the market. Apart from the standard CPQ functionalities, it provides some of the extraordinary features to comprehensively support enterprise’s CPQ business processes. Below are list of some of these features which are beyond general CPQ needs but adds tremendous value to the overall CPQ process.    

Incentives & Promotions
Apttus added a new promotions and incentive modules in its CPQ suite. It has capability to server all needs around promotions and incentives.

Asset Based Ordering (ABO)
In the context of complete Quote-to-Cash process, Asset management play a key role in the overall customer journey. Apttus CPQ provides Assets creation, Asset actions (renew, terminate, swap, change etc), Asset based pricing, Asset based rules and many more features to support complete assets management process.

Quote Collaboration
Recently Apttus added Quote Collaboration feature to support complex quote process for enterprise customers. This feature allows multiple people and teams to work simultaneously on a single quote and collaboratively contribute to different aspects of it.

Product Management Console
It’s a brand new console to manage the product life cycle inside Apttus CPQ. It provides highly intuitive and responsive user interface to create/clone products, manage pricing, rules, attributes and bundles/options inside the same page.

Full Cost Module
Not only pricing capabilities but Apttus CPQ only also provides feature to calculate complete cost. This is highly desirable for Manufacturing and Engineering industries and help in real margin analysis.

Quote Intelligence
Apttus has started porting some of the key functionalities in its own intelligent cloud (Apttus Intelligent Cloud), to overcome the platform limitations and providing more intelligence around quoting process. The machine learning capability of the intelligent cloud would help sales rep in intelligently quote products and services for customer. 

eCommerce Platform
Apttus has revamped its B2B eCommerce platform and provided some of the key features and APIs to make it more user friendly and self-serviceable.